Leisure, activities & outings

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Municipalité de Newport
Are you 50 plus?
Would you like to get back in shape
with exercices adapted for you??
On Wednesdays, 1:30pm
at the Town Hall in Newport
It's FREE !
Bring your bottle of water, a good pair of shoes and wear confortable clothes!
Call us at the town hall : 819 560-8565
Resp. : France Demers & Lyne Maisonneuve
Come and join the group!

The Croque-Livres
is active from early May until the end of November.
borrow books for free and exchange old books they have read before. Adventures in sight!
You can also simply donate your old children's books!
Contact us at 819-560-8565.
The Croque-livres is located inside the
Park Pavilion located opposite the Municipal Office,
1452 Route 212, Newport.
The principle is simple : Every year from the beginning of May until November the Croque-livres awaits children from 0 to 12 years old who can